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Fighting for Your Rights During a Divorce

Serving Virginia, including Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads

No matter if your divorce or separation involves numerous contested issues or seems simple, it is important for you to hire an experienced family law attorney.

There is no divorce too big or too small for the attorneys at the Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, law firm, Montagna & Montagna, P.C. We have empowered both civilians and military personnel to obtain fair treatment and the respect that they deserve during a divorce.

Contact us for more information about your civilian or military divorce.

Helping You Get the Results You Deserve

Whether you have been married for decades or for a few years, you have certain expectations when ending your marriage. You expect to be treated fairly. You expect to leave the marriage with a fair division of property. You expect your attorney to treat you with respect.

Our law firm understands these concerns and will work hard to get you the answers you need to questions such as:

There is no cookie-cutter approach that will resolve every divorce because no two divorces are the same. Each marital separation involves a host of specific issues that only a personalized strategy can address. That is why our firm takes time to sit down to discuss these issues specifically with you before recommending a strategy for you.

Representing You Even After Your Divorce

In almost every case, there are issues that you may not have fully addressed during divorce or situations that have changed since divorce. That is why we continue to represent you, even after your divorce. When court orders need to be modified or enforced, we can help.

Contact Montagna & Montagna, P.C.

The attorneys at Montagna & Montagna, P.C., offer a free initial consultation where you can sit down with us to talk about your divorce / marriage dissolution. Contact our law offices in Virginia Beach, Virginia, today.

NOTE: Labels in bold are required.

Contact Information
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Contact Information

Montagna & Montagna, P.C.
125 St. Paul's Boulevard, Suite 210
Norfolk VA 23510

Phone:(757) 625-3500
Phone:(757) 625-6165
Fax:(757) 627-3106

Email Us | Norfolk Law Office