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Reckless Driving and Traffic Violations

Challenging Traffic Violation Charges Throughout Virginia

Serving Virginia, including Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads

Do not dismiss the serious effect that a traffic violation can have on your driver's license and your life. A traffic ticket may be a serious criminal charge that can ultimately lead to a suspended driver's license and possible jail time.

At the Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, law firm of Montagna & Montagna, P.C., we have helped countless drivers save their driver's license and freedom after receiving a traffic ticket or warrant of arrest.

Contact us for a free initial consultation about your traffic violation charge.

Talk to Us Before You Pay Your Traffic Ticket Fine

Many people fail to appreciate the severity of traffic tickets and simply pay the fine. When you pay a fine, you are pleading guilty to a traffic charge.

If you plead guilty without consulting an experienced criminal defense attorney, you may be throwing away valid defenses to unsubstantiated charges.

Defending Your Driver's License

There are ways for you to challenge a traffic violation or speeding ticket successfully. Many times, these tickets can be beaten on a "technicality" or other procedural issue. The issues you need to look for are technical in nature, making it imperative that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney.

We have successfully handled the cases of countless people in Virginia who were charged with moving violations such as:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving, including obstructed driving, failure to signal, drag racing and aggressive driving
  • Driving a vehicle with inadequate brakes, lights or signals
  • Driving with a revoked or suspended license
  • Driving without insurance
  • Habitual offender charges
  • Leaving the scene of an accident / hit and run accidents
  • Disregarding a traffic sign / failure to stop

Traffic Violations and DUI

We also provide aggressive representation for individuals charged with driving under the influence / DUI. Whatever your traffic violations charges — DUI, reckless driving, driving on a suspended or revoked license — it is essential that you hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to defend you and your driver's license.

Contact Montagna & Montagna, P.C.

For more information about traffic violations and DUI, call or e-mail the Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, law office of Montagna & Montagna, P.C. We offer free initial consultations.

NOTE: Labels in bold are required.

Contact Information
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Contact Information

Montagna & Montagna, P.C.
125 St. Paul's Boulevard, Suite 210
Norfolk VA 23510

Phone:(757) 625-3500
Phone:(757) 625-6165
Fax:(757) 627-3106

Email Us | Norfolk Law Office