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Social Security Disability

Helping Social Security Disability Applicants in Virginia

Serving Virginia including Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Tidewater

Having worked hard for years, you never expected that you would have a problem obtaining Social Security Disability. Now you are hurt and unable to work. In a time when you need help the most, you are left feeling as if the government has turned its back on you. At the Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, law firm of Montagna & Montagna, P.C., we represent people who have been seriously injured and are unable to return to work.

At our firm, we focus on providing you with straightforward answers to your Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplement Security Income (SSI) questions. We provide you with the answers that you need, not necessarily the answers that you want to hear. We will direct you to doctors who will provide you with the medical care you need. We will help complete the forms you need to apply for SSD benefits. To learn more about your case, contact an attorney for a free initial consultation.

Representing Injured People To Get the Help They Need

When a serious injury prohibits you from going back to work, it is important that you hire a skilled lawyer who will assist you in getting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. You must follow many steps to apply for SSDI benefits successfully. Our firm will represent you in each stage including initial application, reconsideration, ALJ hearing and appeals council.

Before trying to apply for Social Security Disability, think about these considerations:

  • Am I eligible for SSDI? You must have worked in a job and paid Social Security deductions, you must suffer a recognized medical condition and you must be unable to engage in gainful employment.
  • How long did I have to work? You must have engaged in enough recent work to qualify for SSDI and have enough work credits.
  • Supplemental Security Income: This is another federal program designed to supplement the income of the aged, blind and disabled individuals.

If you have been seriously injured and are unable to return to work, you should consider contacting a lawyer at the Virginia Beach and Norfolk, Virginia, law office of Montagna & Montagna, P.C. to schedule a free initial consultation.

NOTE: Labels in bold are required.

Contact Information
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Contact Information

Montagna & Montagna, P.C.
125 St. Paul's Boulevard, Suite 210
Norfolk VA 23510

Phone:(757) 625-3500
Phone:(757) 625-6165
Fax:(757) 627-3106

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